Saturday, June 16, 2012

I think we're going to like it here.

Last week was a good one. We're getting settled in, our suitcase finally came in the mail just in time for what would have been our fourth week of living out of carry-ons, and a man asked us for directions to the nearest Metro to which our response was lengthy, accurate, and full of actual street names. Here's the rest of our week in pictures.

Pirates of the Caribbean on Capitol Hill.
Ultramarathoner Scott Jurek in VA.

My new job. Don't ask me or anyone I work with how it's pronounced.
But it's M-F and just two blocks from AJ's office so I'm happy!

AJ and the Capitol Building, both looking fine.

Five minutes too late. AJ's obviously pretty put-out about it.

Our camera phones can't possibly do this city justice. But we love it here and think the city gets better everyday. We invite any and all visitors, just so long as you don't mind the couch.


  1. What a great post! I'm so glad you got a job and are enjoying the city!!!

  2. Washington DC in the summer time? You guys are genius!! Everything looks so much greener than it did in February. And shorts and boat shoes looks like a good substitute for coat and scarf.
