Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Welkers Come to DC and AJ Has a Birthday

If you think two makes a crowded studio, try five. Last week we hosted our first set of guests. My Mom, Grandma, and sister Kristin stayed with us for a few days before we all went up to Penn State to visit Adam, Liz, and Redder. It was a fun albeit tight squeeze.

For obvious reasons we didn't say anything but we found this guy crawling around our apartment the night before the crew arrived. I'm exaggerating only slightly when I say he was as big as the shoe that killed him.

It was so fun having my family here. AJ was the only man for several days but he took it like a champ and I love him for it. For some reason we don't have many pictures of this trip. We probably worried that the addition of three more cameras would make for picture overload but now I'm thinking we overcompensated. Here's what we have: Our tour of the Capitol (where Brigham Young's statue represents Utah), Thomas Jefferson's library at the Library of Congress, and another tour of the monuments. It was fun to feel like experts of DC and play tour guide.

On Wednesday we rented a car and drove to State College, PA., to stay with Adam and Liz. AJ came up on the bus Friday after work. We logged several hours of Olympics, ate lots of hot tamales, toured Hershey Park, the city of Lancaster - home of the Amish, hiked Mt. Nittany, and explored Penn State campus. The only pictures we took are from the hike, naturally. The view overlooked all of State College!

On our way back to DC we stopped in Gettysburg, PA. AJ is on a real Civil War kick right now and just finished Team of Rivals, and 800-something page book about Abraham Lincoln. This monument dedicates the location of the Gettysburg Address. AJ was so happy I thought he might cry.

 Here we are celebrating AJ's birthday for the second time. This is after my family left. We were in State College on his actual birthday and celebrated with some early morning shoe shopping, dinner at the local pizza joint, and dessert at Adam and Liz's. After my family left for the airport on Monday I took him to a charming little restaurant near our apartment, Local 16. I don't have a picture but you better believe one of his presents was a statue of Abraham Lincoln.

Happy Birthday to AJ and thanks to my family for making the week they were here such a fun one!


  1. Yea Yea Yea!! We get to play starting day after tomorrow! Can't wait to see you! And you too, AJ :). I am sad for you guys though that your time in DC is coming to an end. Hope your last couple days are amazing.

  2. How did I JUST find out about this?! Great idea Kelsey. You two are so adorable together. I can't believe it's been so long since your wedding. Enjoy your last few days in DC. We'll have to play racquetball when you guys get back!
